Here’s a list of frequently asked questions.

  • When will my order ship?
    • Orders in stock generally ship within 1-3 business days.
  • What’s your return policy?
    • If you have problems or aren’t happy with your order, reach out to us using the Contact Us page and we’ll make sure you’re taken care of. You can view our official return policy here.
  • Can you expedite my order?
    • Email us with your order number and we can provide costs for faster shipping methods.
  • What should I torque my Suzuki LT80 head bolts to?
    • The torque specs we recommend is 120 in/lbs or 10 ft/lbs
  • How does the cylinder exchange work?
    • You mail us your OEM cylinders with the included form. Upon arrival and inspection, we’ll refund your order $40.
  • How does the LT80 stage 3 engine shipping work?
    • Refer to the Resource Page for information on how to ship us your motor. Payment is not required until we receive the engine.